May 23 – 25, 2025
Responding to the objectives provided in the Europe Strategy and in the National Strategy for Tertiary Education, the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava has assumed the role of „catalyst of creativity and innovation in Romanian society” becoming in recent years national leader both in regarding the number of patent applications as well as the number of patents obtained, according to the rankings made by the State Office of Inventions and Trademarks for the university environment. These results have been achieved through the education and massive involvement of PhD students, master students and even from the undergraduate cycle in the field of invention and scientific creativity.
The ICE-USV event includes:
- Invention and innovation salon with exhibition stands for young people (judging and prizes).
- Workshops and presentations about creativity in all social areas: 10-InSTED – 10 minutes about Innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Design.
- Visits and presentations in Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava research laboratories.
Organized by:
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania (
Romanian Inventors Forum (
Romanian General Association of Engineers (
Event organized with support of the Romanian Ministry of Education
The ICE-USV 2024 edition takes place on-site and on-line.
Participants can register their works in the two main sections of the event:
- Patented inventions/innovations, patent applications;
- High school project, students and PhD student projects.
The registrations can be presented as products/prototypes and posters.
Within the ICE-USV event, the inventions/projects presentations can be made in English or Romanian.
All the inventions and projects details will be published in ICE-USV book (ISSN 2821-7543).
Each institution can register free of charge a maximum of 3 inventions/projects. A fee of 20 euros will be charged for each additional invention/project.
For each on-site participant the organizers provide accommodation and meals, free of charge, during the event, for two persons from each participating institution. Starting with the third person, each on-site participant, must pay a fee of 100 Euro.
The participation fee, for one person, includes: exhibition booth, power supply, 1 table, 1 chair, 1 badge, ICE-USV printed and electronic catalogue, assessment of inventions by a jury panel, free access to 10-InSTED presentations, Award Ceremony, Official Dinner.
To confirm on-site participation, you must access and complete the following form*:
* A Gmail account is required to fill out the form.
To register inventions or projects, you must access and complete the following form*:
* A Gmail account is required to fill out the form.
The template for the registered invention/ project can be found here.
All payments should be done to Cygnus Scientific Society, after the confirmation of registration.
Details for Payment:
Account owner: Cygnus Scientific Society (Societatea Științifică Cygnus)
Address: Oituz Street, 21, Bl. O2, Sc. A, Ap. 20, Suceava, ROMANIA
Fiscal code: 12653097
Bank: Banca Transilvania
(EUR) Account: RO20BTRLEURCRT0528806701
(RON) Account: RO70BTRLRONCRT0528806701
Important data:
May, 11, 2025 – Deadline for submitting registration forms for inventions and projects.
May, 16, 2025 – Communication of acceptance the inventions/projects.
May 21 – 25, 2025 – The ICE-USV 2025 event
ICE-USV 2024 awards:
Special Prize for the best project
Special Prize for the best invention/innovation
Special Prize In Memoriam Dorel Cernomazu
Special Prize of the ICE-USV jury
Prize of Romanian Institutions
Gold Medals
Silver Medals
Bronze Medals
Scientific Committee:
Prof. dr. Mihai DIMIAN – President
Prof. dr. eng. Valentin POPA
Prof. dr. eng. Adrian GRAUR
Prof. dr. eng. DHC Radu MUNTEANU
Prof. dr. eng. Valeriu DULGHERU
Prof. dr. eng. Radu-Dumitru PENTIUC
Prof. Eng. & Ec., Ph.D. Dr. Mihail Aurel ŢÎŢU
Prof. dr. eng. Gheorghe GUTT
Prof. dr. eng. Ilie MUSCĂ
Prof. dr. eng. Sorin Gheorghe PAVEL
Prof. dr. eng. Radu Dumitru PENTIUC
Prof. dr. eng. Marian POBORONIUC
Prof. dr. eng. Marinel TEMNEANU
Prof. dr. eng. Mircea OROIAN
Prof. dr. Habil. Narcisa MERDELE
Assoc. prof. dr. Aurora-Adina COLOMEISCHI
Assoc. prof. dr. Doina Maria SCHIPOR
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Daniela IRIMIA
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Andrei Victor SANDU
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Andrei CHICIUC
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Ovidiu NEMEŞ
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Ilie NUCĂ
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Silviu Mihai PETRIȘOR
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Mihai RAŢĂ
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Constatin UNGUREANU
Dr. Adriana SAVIN
Lect. dr. eng. Corneliu BIRTOK-BĂNEASĂ
The organizing committee:
Prof. dr. eng. L. Dan MILICI – coordinator,
Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Constatin UNGUREANU
Prof. Eng. & Ec., Ph.D. & Sc.D., Dr. Habil., DHC Mihail Aurel ŢÎŢU
Lect. dr. eng. Elena Daniela LUPU
Lect. dr. eng. Cristina PRODAN
Lect. dr. eng. Mihaela PAVĂL
Dr. eng. Ilie NIŢAN
PhD student eng. Oana Vasilica GROSU – Secretary,
President of the Organization Committee: Prof. dr. Mihai Dimian
Editor: Lect. dr. eng. Mihaela PAVĂL
The IXth International Fair of Innovation and Creative Education for Youth (ICE-USV) Suceava, ROMANIA
May 23 – 25, 2025
09:00 Guests arrival
10:00 Visit the National Olympiad of Scientific Creativity 2025 event
13:00 Lunch
15:00 10-InSTED (10 minutes about Innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Design)
18:00 Dinner
20:00 Cultural program
09:00 Breakfast
10:00 Arrangement of stands by exhibitors
11:00 Evaluation of inventions by the jury. Panel discussions and presentations by exhibitors.
Media interviews with official delegates.
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Evaluation of inventions by the jury. Panel discussions and presentations by exhibitors.
18:00 Dinner
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Award ceremony. Announcement of the results of the ICE-USV 2024 competition
11:00 Visits and presentations in Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava research laboratories
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Participants departure
ICE-USV 2024 event is organized in collaboration with: ReCoNnect, COACH-USV, AGIR and FIRESC