Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
SISCON – Systems and Processes Control Research Center (Centrul de cercetare in sisteme de control al proceselor – rom.) was created in 2004 by a group of university professors and researchers from the Computer, Automations and Electronics Department – Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania. Our research center was authorized by the CNCSIS – The National University Research Council, which is the main Romanian government funding organization for university and postgraduate research programs.
Our main research areas include, without being exclusive, the following domains:
- remote location and identification (RFID);
- electromagnetic compatibility (EMC);
- processes control and automations;
- wired and wireless data transmissions;
- digital signals processing;
- power line carrier communications;
- embedded processing systems;
- network time synchronization and applications.
- Adrian GRAUR
- Valentin POPA
- Dan Alin POTORAC
- Constantin FILOTE
- Cornel TURCU
- Mihai DIMIAN
- Eugen COCA
- George MAHALU
- Bianca SATCO
- Alexandra BALAN
Sistem integrat pentru managementul informatiilor si proceselor la nivel de intreprindere
Our main research areas includes, without being exclusive, the following domains:
- processes control and automations;
- remote location and identification systems (RFID);
- wired and wireless data transmission;
- power line carrier communications;
- synthesis and recognition of human voice;
- digital signal processing;
- real time systems;
- electromagnetic compatibility.
Our staff is involved in teaching activities for graduate students in computer, automation and electronics from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
- Electronic Circuits and Devices
- Digital Circuits
- Computer Aided Design
- Computer Peripheral Systems
- Computer Networks
- Digital Signal Processing
- Wireless Communications
- Analog and Digital Communications
- Mobile Communications
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Signal, Circuits and Systems
- Systems identification
- Advanced Systems and Processes Control

Information Transmission in Computer Networks
Editura Matrix Rom
Bucuresti, 2009
ISBN 978-973-755-482-6

Logic Circuits Design
Editura Universitatii Suceava
Suceava, 2009
ISBN 978-973-666-314-7

Data Security and Cryptography for Design Communication and Computer Networks
Theory & Applications
Adrian GRAUR, Dimitris C. VOUKALIS
Editura Media Mira
Cluj Napoca, 2008
ISBN 978-973-713-222-2

Eugen COCA
Editura Matrix Rom
Bucuresti, 2008
ISBN 978-973-755-353-9

Bianca SATCO
Editura Matrix Rom
Bucuresti, 2008
ISBN 978-973-755-336-2

Mathematical Analysis Elements
Bianca SATCO
Editura Universitatii Suceava
Suceava, 2008
ISBN 978-973-666-275-1

Editura Universitatii Suceava
Suceava, 2007
ISBN 978-973-666-260-7

Editura Universitatii Suceava
Suceava, 2007
ISBN 978-973-666-236-2

Editura Matrix Rom
Bucuresti, 2007
ISBN 978-973-755-180-1

Calin CIUFUDEAN, Constantin FILOTE, Bianca SATCO, Dumitru AMARANDEI, Alexandru LARIONESCU
Editura Universitatii Suceava
Suceava, 2007
ISBN 978-973-666-266-9

Nicolae Dumitru ALEXANDRU
Adrian GRAUR
Editura Mediamira
Cluj-Napoca, 2006
ISBN (10) 973-713-138-X
ISBN (13) 978-973-713-138-6

Nicolae Dumitru ALEXANDRU
Adrian GRAUR
Editura Mediamira
Cluj-Napoca, 2005
ISBN 973-713-074-X

Editura Unviersitatii Suceava
Suceava, 2004
ISBN 973-666-141-5

Editura Matrix Rom
Bucuresti, 2002
ISBN 973-685-478-7

Calin Ciufudean
Editura Matrix Rom
Bucuresti, 2002
ISBN 973-685-383-7

Editura Unviersitatii Suceava
Suceava, 2002
ISBN 973-8293-70-7

Alin Dan POTORAC, Adrian GRAUR
Editutura Mediamira
Cluj-Napoca, 2001
ISBN 973-9358-65-9

Alin Dan POTORAC, Adrian GRAUR
Editutura Mediamira
Cluj-Napoca, 2001
ISBN 973-9358-64-0
Below is a selection of papers published in ISI Thomson Indexed Journals or in Journals or in Conference Proceedings indexed in international databases, by our research center members. Full-text documents are here for educational purposes and personal usage only.
- DIMIAN, E. COCA, V. POPA, “Analytical and experimental analysis of noise passage through hysteretic systems”, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 105, Number 7, 07D515 (2009), Publisher American Institute of Physics, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1063/1.3068008 – Read
- BUTA, E. COCA, A. GRAUR, “Performance Evaluations and Electromagnetic Compatibility Aspects for Power Line Carrier Communication Equipments”, SIITME 2009, 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages, 17-20 Sep 2009, Gyula, Hungary, Digital Object Identifier: to be assigned by IEEEXplore – Read
- COCA, V. POPA, G. BUTA, “Wireless Sensor Network Nodes Performance Measurements and RSSI Evaluation”, SIITME 2009, 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages, 17-20 Sep 2009, Gyula, Hungary, Digital Object Identifier: to be assigned by IEEEXplore – Read
- LUISA Di PIAZZA, B. SATCO, “A new result on impulsive differential equations involving non-absolutely convergent integrals”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 352 (2009), 954963, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.11.048 – Read
- CIUFUDEAN, B. SATCO, “Performance evaluation of discrete event systems involving Henstock-Kurzweil integral”, J. Syst. Sci. Syst. Eng. 18 (2), 2009, 243-256, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s11518-009-5104-3 – Read
- ALEXA, D., GORAS, T.C., SIRBU, A., PLETEA, I.V., FILOTE, C., F. IONESCU, “Analysis of the two-quadrant converter with rectifier with near sinusoidal input currents”, Power Electronics, 2008, Vol. 1, No. 2, ISSN 1755-4535, pp. 224-234 [pdf], Digital Object Identifier: 10.1049/iet-pel:20070149 – Read
- ONOFREI, A. L., ALEXANDRU, N. D., “Improved Nyquist Filter Characteristic Using Spline Functions Interpolation”, International Conference COMMUNICATIONS’2008, June 5-7, Bucharest, Romania, pp.115-118 [pdf]
- COCA, E., BUTA, G., “A Review of ESD Stress Models”, DAS2008, Development and Application Systems, May, 22-24, 2008, Suceava, Romania, pp. 182-185, ISSN 1844-5039 [pdf]
- GAITAN, V., POPA, V., , UNGUREAN, I., GAITAN, N. C., “The Integration of Real Device Capabilities in Distributed Applications Based on OPC Tehnology”, 12th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, pp. 148-153, Heraklion, Creta Grecia, 22-25 iulie 2008 ISSN: 1790-5109, ISBN: 978-960-6766-85-8, 2008 [pdf]
- ONOFREI, A. L., ALEXANDRU, N. D., “Optimization of the Improved Nyquist Filter with a Piece-Wise Rectangular Characteristic”, DAS2008, Development and Application Systems Conference, May, 22-24, 2008, Suceava, Romania, pp. 128-137, ISSN 1844-5039 [pdf]
- CHIUCHISAN I., POTORAC, A. D., “The Optimization of a Design using VHDL Concepts”, DAS2008, Development and Application Systems Conference, May, 22-24, 2008, Suceava, Romania, pp. 160-164, DAS 2008 [pdf]
- ONOFREI, A. L, ALEXANDRU, N. D. “A New Family of ISI-Free Pulses Investigated in Terms of ISI and ICI Properties”, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies – Ecumict 2008, 13-14 March, 2008, Ghent – Belgium, ISBN 9-78908082-553-6, pp. 297-307 [pdf]
- CHIUCHISAN I., POTORAC, A. D., “A Behavioral Design Approach in Verilog Hardware Description Language”, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, 13-14 March, 2008, Gent – Belgium, ISBN 9-78908082-553-6, pp. 79-88 [pdf]
- SATCO, “Nonlinear Volterra integral equations in Henstock integrability setting”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2008(2008), No. 39, pp. 1-9 [pdf]
- COCA, V. POPA, V.G. GAITAN, C.O. TURCU, Cr. TURCU, “Speed Measurement of a Moving Object by using a RFID Location System and Active Transponders”, ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA), Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, No. 8(88), 2008, ISSN 1392-1215, pp. 63-66 [pdf]
- SATCO, “Second order retarded differential inclusions in Banach spaces and Henstock-Lebesgue integral”, Fixed point theory 9, No. 1(2008), pp. 319-329 [pdf]
- M. PRECUPANU, B. SATCO, “The Aumann-Gould integral”, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics Nr.4, vol.5(2008), pp. 429-441, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00009-008-0160-3 – Read
- SATCO, B., “A note on integral convexity in Banach spaces”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, ISSN: 0022-247X, Vol: 2007, Nr: 332, pp. 1459-1466, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.11.036 – Read
- SATCO, B., “Second order three boundary value problem in Banach spaces via Henstock and Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integral”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, ISSN: 0022-247X, Vol: 2007, Nr: 332, pp. 919-933 [pdf], Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.10.081 – Read
- SATCO, B., “Existence results for Urysohn integral inclusions involving the Henstock integral”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, ISSN: 0022-247X, Vol: 2007, Nr: 336, pp. 44-53, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2007.02.050 – Read
- TURCU, C. E., TURCU, C. O., POPA, V., GAITAN, V. G., “ICT and RFID in Education: Some Practical Aspects in Campus Life”, 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Education ICIE 2007, Vol: 3, 15-17 Martie, 2007, Atena, Greece, pp. 1-2
- HURJUI, C., TURCU, C. E., GRAUR, A., “A System of Monitoring the Products from a refrigerating Warehouse Using RFID Technologies”, 6th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems, 4-6 Octombrie, 2007, Chisinau, Moldova, ISSB/ISBN: 1842-4805, pp. 237-240
- TURCU, C. E., TURCU, C. O., POPA, V., “Integrating RFID Technologies in B2B Applications for Enterprise Supply Chain”, Proceedings of the 1-st RFID Eurasia Conference, Vol: 1, 5-7 Septembrie, 2007, Istambul, Turkey, ISSB/ISBN: 978-975-01566-0-1, pp. 206-209 [pdf], Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/RFIDEURASIA.2007.4368124 – Read
- ONOFREI, A. L, ALEXANDRU, N. D. “An Investigation of the Improved Nyquist Pulses Families For OFDM Use”, Proc. ISSCS 2007, Iasi, pp 593-596, 2007 [pdf]
- POHOATA, S., GRAUR, A., POPA, V., “Contributions to the Optimal Realization of Band-Pass from the Inlet of the Colour Decoder Stage of a TV Receiver”, International Conference on “Microelectronics and Computer Science” ICMCS-2007, Vol: I, 19-21 Septembrie, 2007, Chisinau, Moldova, ISSB/ISBN: 978-9975-45-045-4 / 978-9975-45-046-1 (VOL. I), pp. 458-461
- COCA, E., POPA, V., “Experimental Results and EMC Considerations on RFID Location Systems”, EURASIA – 1st International RFID Eurasia Conference, 6-7 Septembrie, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-975-01566-0-1, pp. 279-283, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/RFIDEURASIA.2007.4368138 – Read
- RATA, M., RATA, G., GRAUR, A., POPA, V., “The influence of different materials in 13.56 RFID system”, 1st Annual RFID Eurasia Conference & Exhibitions, 5-7 Septembrie, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, ISSB/ISBN: 978-975-01566-0-1, pp.12-14, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/RFIDEURASIA.2007.4368088 – Read
- POHOATA, S., GRAUR, A., POPA, V., “Using Fast-Scan Television as a Means of Communication in Distance Learning”, 3-rd International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Education ICIE 2007, 15-17 Martie, 2007, Atena, Greece, ISSB/ISBN: 978-960-89028-4-8 / 1790-661X, pp. 1-4
- ONOFREI, A. L, ALEXANDRU N. D. “An Investigation Of ISI And ICI Properties For A Family Of Offset Ramp Improved Nyquist Filters”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis, vol. 48, No. 1, pp.13-20, 2007 [pdf]
- TURCU, C. E., PRODAN, R., CERLINCA, M., CERLINCA, T. I., TURCU, C. O., “Information Storage on RFID Tags: Some Structural Optimizing Solutions”, Proceedings of the 1-st RFID Eurasia Conference, Vol: 1, 5-7 Septembrie, 2007, Istambul, Turkey, ISSB/ISBN: 978-975-01566-0-1, pp. 202-205, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/RFIDEURASIA.2007.4368123 – Read
- GRAUR, A., POTORAC, A., “The Use of E-learning Technologies: A Case Study”, The 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Education ICIE 2007, Vol: 1, 15-17 Martie, 2007, Athens, Greece, ISSB/ISBN: 978-960-89028-4-8, pp.100-106
- CIUFUDEAN, C., SATCO, B., FILOTE, C., “Reliability Markov Chains for Security Data Transmitter Analysis”, Availability, Reliability and Security, 2007, ARES 2007. The Second International Conference on, Vienna, 10-13 April 2007, ISBN: 0-7695-2775-2, pp. 886 – 894, [pdf], Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ARES.2007.122 – Read
- SATCO, B., “A Komlós-type theorem for the set-valued Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integral and applications”, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Praga, ISSN: 0011-4642, Vol: 56(131), Nr: 3, pp.1029-1047, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10587-006-0078-5 – Read
- POTORAC, A., COCA, E., “QoS Consideration for 302.11 Networks, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies”, ECUMICT 2006, 30-31 Martie, 2006, Gent, Belgium, ISBN 9-08082-552-2, pp. 353-362, (2006)
- SATCO, B., “Integral inclusions using Henstock-type integrals, International Conference of Applied Analysis and Differential Equations”, Vol: 2007, 4-9 Septembrie, 2006, Iasi, Romania, ISSN/ISBN: 981-270-594-5, pp: 319-328, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1142/9789812708229_0027 – Read
- CIUFUDEAN, C., PETRESCU, C., PETRESCU, E., “Measuring Bottleneck Times in Production Lines with Discrete Event Systems Formalisms”, International Measurement Confederation IMEKO XVIII World Congress: Metrology for a Sustainable Development, Vol: 1, 17-22 Septembrie, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 128-134, (2006)
- TURCU, C. E., PRODAN, R., POPA, V., “A Generalized Integrated RFID-Based System for the Identification and Traceability of Products and Subsets in Enterprises”, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, ECUMICT 2006, KaHo St Lieven, Gent, 30-31 Martie, 2006, Gent, Belgium, ISBN 9-08082-552-2, pp. 147-158, (2006)
- IURESCU, L., PENTIUC, S. G., GRAUR, A., “A System for the Control of a Manufacturing Cell Based on Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Agents”, The Eighth All-Ukrainian International Conference, UkrOBRAZ’2006, 28-31 August, 2006, Kyjiv, Ukraine, ISBN 966-02-4096-1, pp. 171-174, (2006)
- ALEXANDRU, N. D., ONOFREI, A. L., “A Novel Class of Improved Nyquist Pulses”, Ecumict 2006, 30-31 Martie, 2006, Ghent, Belgium, ISBN 9-08082-552-2, pp. 363-370, (2006) [pdf]
- PENTIUC, S. G., GRAUR, A., DANUBIANU, D. M., DANUBIANU, M., “Intelligent System for Fault Diagnosis in Power Distribution Networks”, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, ECUMICT 2006, 30-31 Martie, 2006, Gent, Belgium, ISBN 9-08082-552-2, pp. 273-282, (2006)
- PENTIUC, R., POPA, C., GRAUR, A., MAHALU, G., AIROAIE, N., MINESCU, D., “The design of linear induction motors in hybrid construction with bilateral toroidal inductors used in low speed drives”, The sixth World Energy System Conference, 10-12 Iulie, 2006, Torino, Italy, ISBN 8887380-51-1, pp. 245-250, (2006)
- CERLINCA, M., GRAUR, A., CERLINCA, T. I., “A Script Language for RFID Systems”, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, ECUMICT 2006, 30-31 Martie, 2006, Gent, Belgium, ISBN 9-08082-552-2, pp. 345-352, (2006)
- ALEXANDRU, N. D., ONOFREI, A. L., “A survey of several classes of improved pulses generated by Nyquist filters”, International Conference COMMUNICATIONS’2006, June, Bucharest, Romania [pdf]
- CIUFUDEAN, C., GRAUR, A., FILOTE, C., TURCU, C. O., POPA, V., “Diagnosis of Complex Systems Using Ant Colony Decision Petri Nets”, International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security – The International Conference Bridging Theory and Practice (ARES`06), Vol: 1, 20-22 Aprilie, 2006, Viena, Austria, pp. 473-480, (2006), Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ARES.2006.52 – Read
- MAHALU, G., GRAUR, A., “The Fractal Techniques Applied in Pattern Recognition”, The Eighth All-Ukrainian International Conference, UkrOBRAZ’2006, 28-31 August, 2006, Kyjiv, Ukraine, ISSB/ISBN: ISBN 966-02-4096-1, pp. 35-38, (2006)
- CIUFUDEAN, C., FILOTE, C., POPESCU, D., “Worflows in Constructions Modelled with Stochastic Artificial Social Systems”, The 23rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC`06), Vol: 1, 3-5 Octombrie, 2006, Tokyo, Japan, Pagini: 773-778, (2006)
- CERLINCA, T., GRAUR, A., POPA, V., “FPGA Implementation of an RFID Dedicated SoC”, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, ECUMICT 2006, 30-31 Martie, 2006, Gent, Belgium, ISBN 9-08082-552-2, pp. 201-204, (2006)
- MAHALU, G., GRAUR, A., “A Self Arbitration Universal Signal Bus Communication”, The Eighth All-Ukrainian International Conference, UkrOBRAZ’2006, 28-31 August, 2006, Kyjiv, Ukraine, ISBN 966-02-4096-1, pp. 203-206, (2006)
- COCA, E., POTORAC, A., “Performance Measurements on Power Line Carrier Data Transmissions in Indoor Office Enviroments”, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, ECUMICT 2006, 30-31 Martie, 2006, Gent, Belgium, ISBN 9-08082-552-2, pp. 283-292, (2006)
- CIUFUDEAN, C., FILOTE, C., GRAUR, A., “Petri Nets Diagnosis of Robot Assembled Systems”, The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, (AMC`06), Vol: 1, 27-29 Martie, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 114-119, (2006)
- CIUFUDEAN, C., GRAUR, A., FILOTE, C., “Determining the Performances of Cellular Manufacturing Systems”, Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports, Vol: 14, Nr: 6, pp. 96-99 (2006)
- SATCO, B., “A new relationship between decomposability and convexity”, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Praga, ISSN: 0010 – 2628, Vol: 47, Nr: 3, pp. 457-466 (2006) [pdf]
- SATCO, B., “Volterra integral inclusions via Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integral”, Discussiones Mathematicae Differential Inclusions and Optimization, ISSN: 1509-9407, Vol: 2006, No. 26, pp. 87-101, Vol. 26 (2006)
- GODET-THOBIE, C., SATCO, B., “Decomposability and uniform integrability in Pettis integration”, Quaestiones Mathematicae 29 (2006), ISSN: 1607-3606, pp. 39-58
- SATCO, B., “Strong convergence in Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integration under extreme point condition”, Real Analysis Exchange, Michigan, ISSN: 0147-1937, Vol: 31, Nr: 1, pag. 1-15, 2005 [pdf]
- CIUFUDEAN, C., GRAUR, A., FILOTE, C., POPESCU, D., PETRESCU, C., “Petri Net Based Diagnosis for Construction Design”, 22nd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2005 – September 11-14, 2005, Ferrara (Italy) [pdf]
- CIUFUDEAN, C., PETRESCU, C.I., GRAUR, A.G., “Availability of fluid stochastic event graphs,” Control and Automation, 2005. ICCA ’05. International Conference on , vol.1, pp. 255- 258 Vol. 1, 26-29 June 2005 [pdf], Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICCA.2005.1528127
- ALEXANDRU, N.D., ALEXANDRU, M.L., ONOFREI, L.A., “A Class Of Improved Pulses Generated By Nyquist Filters”, Advances In Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No.5, pp. 10-14, 2005 [pdf]
- CIUFUDEAN, C., PETRESCU, C.I., FILOTE, C.L., “Performance evaluation of distributed systems,” Control and Automation, 2005. ICCA ’05. International Conference on , vol.2, pp. 993- 996 Vol. 2, 26-29 June 2005 [pdf], Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICCA.2005.1528266
- CIUFUDEAN, C., LARIONESCU, A.B., GRAUR, A., FILOTE, C., PETRESCU, C., “Safety Discrete Event Models for Production Lines with Shared Resources,” Industrial Electronics, 2005. ISIE 2005. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on , vol.1, pp. 113- 118, June 20-23, 2005 [pdf]
- MAHALU, G., GRAUR, A., PENTIUC, R., MAHALU, C., “Bus Communication for Multi Sensor Operations”, The Set Panel Symposium on Advanced Sensor Payloads for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2-3 May, 2005 [pdf], Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/3-540-26415-9_27 – Read
- POTORAC, A. D., “Optimization Techniques in Interfaces Design”, Proceedings of the first European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, Ghent, 1-2 April 2004, ISBN 9-08082-551-4, pp.163-170 [pdf]
- POPA, V., “Flip-Chip Technology – A Step Beyond In Semiconductor Industry”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, vol.4 [11], no.2 [22], ISSN 1582-7445, 2004, [pdf]
- POPA, V., “Modern Transponders Based on System for Material Control”, Conferinta Nationala a Energiei – CNE 2004Neptun, 13-17 iunie 2004, Romania [pdf]
- CIUDUFEAN, C., FILOTE, C., GRAUR, A., G. MAHALU, G., “Modeling the Railway Data Transmitter CN-75-6 with Markov Chains”, First European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies, ECUMICT 2004, KA HO Sint-Lievan, Belgium [pdf]
- COCA, E., “Improving Process Control Applications by Using IP Communications”, D&AS2004, Development and Application Systems, May, 27-29, 2004, Suceava, Romania, pp. 109-113, ISBN 973-666-106-7 [pdf]
- POPA, V., COCA, E., DANUBIANU, M., PRODAN, R., Livestock RF Identification and Management – Part II: The Livestock Management Program, D&AS2004, Development and Application Systems, May, 27-29, 2004, Suceava, Romania, pp. 103-108, ISBN 973-666-106-7 [pdf]
- PATENTARIU, I., POTORAC, A. D., “Some Consideration On 8-level HDL Stack Implementation”, The 7th International Conference on DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION SYSTEMS, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, ISBN 973-666-106-7, pp. 303-308, DAS 2004 [pdf]
- CIUDUFEAN, C., FILOTE, C., GRAUR, A., MAHALU, G., S”cheduling Sequential Process in Tree Networks”, 13th International Symposium on Measurements for Research and Industry Applications and the 9th European Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, IMEKO 2004, 29th-1st October 2004, National Technical University of Athens, Greece [pdf]
- CIUDUFEAN, C., LARIONESCU, A., FILOTE, C., MAHALU, G., “Modeling Immunology Mechanisms with Discrete Event Systems”, Third European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, ECIT 2004, Iasi, Romania [pdf]
- MAHALU, G., GRAUR, A., Magnetic Bipolar Transistor Under Spintronics Analyses, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, vol.4 [11], no.1 [21], ISSN 1582-7445, pp.16-19, 2004 [pdf]
- COCA, E., “A New Energy Meters Interface Using Internet Communications”, D&AS2004, Development and Application Systems, May, 27-29, 2004, Suceava, Romania, pp. 80-83, ISBN 973-666-106-7 [pdf]
- COCA, E., POTORAC, D. A., POPA, V., “A Low Cost Energy Meter Internet Interface”, SACCS2004, 8th International Symposyum on Automatic Control and Computer Theory, October, 22-23, 2004, IASI, Romania, pp. 55, ISBN 973-621-083-9 [pdf]
- MAHALU, G., GRAUR, A., “A Magnetic Field Effect Transistor With Spin Transport Control”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, vol.4 [11], no.1 [21], ISSN 1582-7445, pp.20-23, 2004 [pdf]
- CIUDUFEAN, C., FILOTE, C., GRAUR, A., “Supervisory Policies for Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Conferinta Nationala de Actionari Electrice, CNAE 2004, 17-19 septembrie 2004, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj Napoca [pdf]
- COCA, E., “Interfata Web pentru citirea contoarelor de energie electrica si realizarea balantelor energetice”, Simpozionul national – Sisteme, echipamente, instalatii electrice si automatizari, 24-26 noiembrie 2004, pp. 70-73, ISBN 973-685-833-2 [pdf]
- CIUDUFEAN, C., FILOTE, C., GRAUR, A., “Process Monitoring for Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Error Recovery”, IEEE-TTTC Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2004, May 13th-15th, Cluj Napoca, Romania [pdf]
- POPA, V., STRUGARIU, T., SIICU, C., COCA, E., “Livestock RF Identification and Management – Part I: 13,56 MHz RFID System”, D&AS2004, Development and Application Systems, May, 27-29, 2004, Suceava, Romania, pp. 95-102, ISBN 973-666-106-7 [pdf]
- COCA, E., “WEB-Enabled Utility Meter Interface, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering”, Volume 4, No.2, 2004, Academy of Technical Sciences Of Romania, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Suceava, ISSN 1582-7445, pp. 70-73 [pdf]
- POTORAC, A. D., “Digital Design Optimization for Bidirectional Ports of the Microcontrolers”, “Acta Electrotehnica”, Academia de Stiinte Tehnice a Romaniei, Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 1224-2497, Volumul 44, Nr. 1, 2003, Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 46-52 [pdf]
- POTORAC, A. D., “Solutions to Minimize the Port Lines Number for Keypad Interfaces to Microcontrolers”, SIELA 2003, XIII-th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, ISBN 954-90209-2-4, Vol. 1, 29-30 Mai 2003, pp. 182-187 [pdf]
- COCA, E., POTORAC, A. D., “Power-Line Carrier Equipments Line Interface Protection”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 3, No.1, 2003, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Suceava, ISSN 1582-7445, pp. 68-71 [pdf]
- PATENTARIU I., POTORAC, A. D., “Hardware Description Languages – a Comparative Approach”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Facultatea de Inginerie Elecrica, Universitatea “Stefan cel Mare” Suceava, ISSN 1582-7445, vol. 3[10], nr.1[19], pp. 84-89 [pdf]
- COCA, E., “Digital Power Line Communications – The Challenges Ahead / Comunicatii digitale pe reteaua de alimentare cu energie electrica – provocarea continua,” Proceedings of the 5th Edition of the International Power Systems Conference, PSC 2003 – Conferinta Internationala de Electroenegetica, pp. 154-158, 6-7 November 2003, Timisoara, Romania, ISSN 1582-7194 [pdf]
- POTORAC, A. D., “Analogical versus Logical Keypad Interfaces for Microcontrollers Ports”, Scientific Bulletin of “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania – Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Tomul 48 [62], Fascicola 1-2, 2003, ISSN 1224-600X, pp. 19-22 [pdf]
- POTORAC, A. D., COCA, E., PATENTARIU, I., “User Cost Control Solutions Based on Dialing Management for Phone Systems”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica, Universitatea “Stefan cel Mare” Suceava, ISSN 1582-7445, volumul 3[10], nr.2[20] – 2003, pp. 57-60 [pdf]
- COCA, E., “A New Leased Line Modem Interface Circuit Protection / Un nou circuit de protectie a interfetei de linie pentru modem-urile de linie închiriata”, Proceedings of the 5th Edition of the International Power Systems Conference, PSC 2003 – Conferinta Internationala de Electroenegetica, pp. 159-162, 6-7 November 2003, Timisoara, Romania, ISSN 1582-7194 [pdf]
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